OptiReOpt_Pro from OptiLayer
OptiLayer: Your Partner in Design and Post-Production Characterization of Optical Coatings
The Most Effective Mathematical Programs in Construction of Multilayer Coatings

We proudly present the revolutionary new 2025 OptiLayer Pro, OptiChar Pro, OptiRE Pro, OL Monitor software, which provides greater performance under Windows, Mac OS, Linux. Please contact your distributor for more details.

OptiLayer Pro, OptiChar Pro, OptiRE Pro provide even better performance under Mac OS and Linux.

Better usability is presented by one window interface that is available for OptiLayer Pro, OptiChar Pro, OptiRE Pro, OL Monitor.

OptiLayer_Pro Software protection is provided by hardware USB Marx keys. You can also select a key-less security code option.

OptiLayer – Your partner in design, analysis, post-production characterization
of optical coatings and on-line support of optical coatings production.

The OptiLayer software suite is the fastest, most powerful and comprehensive software tool set in the area of Optical coatings.

Learn more ….



Operation Ranges

OptiLayer software operates in any spectral and angular range. Spectral parameters can be specified in nm, A, µm, cm-1, eV, keV, 2π/cm, µm-1, THz, GHz and g-numbers..

OptiLayer evaluates color properties in all existing color spaces (CIE xyz, CIE L*b*, CIE H0LC, CIE L*u*v*, Hunter Lab) and Color Rendering Index.

OptiLayer provides the design, evaluation and reliable characterization of coatings composed of various materials:

  • dielectrics,
  • metals,
  • metal-dielectric,
  • ITO, TCO,
  • mixtures
Data Exchange

OptiLayer GmbH presented new versions of the software at the Optotech exhibition in Frankfurt in May 2024.

Version 15.12 of OptiLayer Thin Film Software released on October, 8, 2021 (Registered users only). Hot-fix version 15.12g released on September 17, 2022. Track records of the new features of this release are here.

OptiLayer software is completely compatible with Windows 11 officially released by Microsoft in October 2021.

Version 14.57 of OptiLayer Thin Film Software released on October, 8, 2020 (Registered users only). Hot-fix version 14.57g released on October 10, 2021. Track records of the new features of this release are here.

Equation 1.4.20, page 64 of the book “Basics of optics of multilayer systems” by Sh. Furman and A. Tikhonravov /DnlBook.php was corrected.

Our representative in Japan represented OptiLayer at Science Photonics Fair 2020. More…

We’ve represented OptiLayer at Science Photonics Fair 2019 and Optical Thin Film Fair in Japan. More…

OptiLayer Core Expertise

OptiLayer allows the designing of all types of multilayers in accordance with desired specifications, among them:

Workshops calendar

OptiLayer Workshop 2023. Please, visit workshops page.

On-line trainings for companies can be scheduled any time. Please contact us support@optilayer.com.

Look our video examples

Look our video examples at YouTube

OptiLayer videos are available here:
Overview of Design/Analysis options of OptiLayer and overview of Characterization/Reverse Engineering options.

The videos were presented at the joint Agilent/OptiLayer webinar.