Reports and Export Options of OptiLayer

Results obtained by OptiRE can be presented as various reports (design report, evaluation report, errors report, layer material report, etc.). All reports may have hierarchical form, editable form, or plain form, which allows to meet even most sophistical user requirements. It is possible to select any report area and copy it to the Windows clipboard. You can save and print any report or any OptiRE window. Windows can be saved as:

  • *.bmp files (bitmap graphics format)
  • *.jpg files (JPEG bitmap)
  • *.wmf files (Windows metafiles format)
  • *.pcx files (Paintbrush format)
  • *.gif files (CompuServe bitmap)
  • *.png files (Portable Networks Graphics)
  • *.tiff files (Tagged Image File Format)

Chart Windows (windows having plots and diagrams) has additional export formats:

OptiRE is also able to export reports directly to MS Excel in one mouse click.

OptiRE allows you to create text outputs of database files as well as text reports of all evaluation and synthesis results.

Look our video examples

Look our video examples at YouTube

OptiLayer videos are available here:
Overview of Design/Analysis options of OptiLayer and overview of Characterization/Reverse Engineering options.

The videos were presented at the joint Agilent/OptiLayer webinar.