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- A.V. Tikhonravov and K.V. Popov, “Application of the Quadratic Programming Approach to the Design of Optical Coatings”, in “Optical Interference Coatings”, vol. 17, 1995 OSA Technical Digest Series, pp. 61-63.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov and G. DeBell, “Application of Needle Optimization to the Synthesis of Optical Interference Coatings, in “Optical Interference Coatings”, vol. 17, 1995 OSA Technical Digest Series, pp. 75-77.
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- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, B.T. Sullivan, J.A. Dobrowolski, “Influence of small inhomogeneities on the spectral characteristics of single thin films”, 1996 OSA Annual Meeting, ILS-XII, p. 182.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, “Inverse problems in thin film optics”, – 9-th Conference of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry – Abstracts. Printed by Notex-Trink and Design A-S, Copenhagen, 1996, pp. 783-786.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, and G.W. DeBell, “Application of the needle optimization technique to the design of optical coatings”, Applied Optics, 1996, 35, № 28, pp. 5493-5508.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, P.W. Baumeister, and K.V. Popov, “Phase properties of multilayers”, Applied Optics, 1997, 36, № 16, pp. 4382-4392.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, “Needle optimization technique: the history and the future”, SPIE Proceedings, 1997, Vol. 3133, pp.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, and G.W. DeBell, “Design of coatings for wide angular range applications”, SPIE Proceedings, 1997, Vol. 3133, pp.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, B.T. Sullivan, J.A. Dobrowolski, “Influence of small inhomogeneitics on the spectral characteristics of single thin films”, Applied Optics, 1997, 36, № 7, pp. 7188-7198.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, A.V. Voronov, and D.J. Smith, “Evaluation of spectral properties of multilayers consisting of slightly inhomogeneous layers», in Optical Interference Coatings, Vol. 9, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1998), pp. 273-275.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, A.A. Tikhonravov, «To the design and theory of chirped mirrors», in Optical Interference Coatings, Vol. 9, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1998), pp. 293-295.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, A.V. Krasillnikova, E. Masetti, «Spectroscopic ellipsometry of slightly inhomogeneous thin films: application of the new approxition for the ellipsometric angles
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- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, A.V. Krasilnikova, «Spectroscopic ellipsometry of slightly inhomogeneous non-absorbing thin films with arbitrary refractive index profiles theoretical study», Applied Optics, Vol. 37, pp. 5902-5911, 1998.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, «Design and reverse engineering of optical coatings», in Optical Interference Coatings, Vol.9, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 1998), pp. 300-301.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, E. Masetti, A.V. Krasilnikova, and I.V. Kochikov, «Sensitivity of the ellipsometric angles Psi and Delta to the surface inhomogeneity», in Advances in Optical Interference Coatings, Claude Amra, Angus Macleod Ed., Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3738, pp. 173-182, 1999.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, G. Clarke, B.T. Sullivan, and J.A. Dobrowolski, “Ellipsometric study of optical properties and small inhomogeneities of Nb2O5films”, in Advances in Optical Interference Coatings, Claude Amra, Angus Macleod Ed., Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3738, pp. 183-187, 1999.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov U. Keller, N. Matuschek, «Designing of coatings for femtosecond lasers with phase derivatives targets», in Advances in Optical Interference Coatings, Claude Amra, Angus Macleod Ed., Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3738, pp. 221-229, 1999.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, V.V. Protopopov, A.V. Voronov, «Application of the needle optimization technique to the design of X-ray mirrors», in Advances in Optical Interference Coatings, Claude Amra, Angus Macleod Ed., Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3738, pp. 248-254, 1999.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, “Mathematical formulation and methods of inverse design problems”, Abstracts of International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics, Nagano City, Japan, 2001, pp. 166-168.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, I.V. Kochikov, J.B. Oliver, D.J. Smith. “Real-Time Characterization and Optimization of E-Beam Evaporated Optical Coatings”, in Optical Interference Coatings, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 2001), pp. ME8-1 – ME8-3.
- A. V. Tikhonravov, M. K. Trubetskov, A. A. Tikhonravov, A. Duparre, ”Impact of surface roughness on spectral properties of thin films and multilayers”, in Optical Interference Coatings, ОSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, Washington DC, 2001), pp. ThB5-1 – ThB5-3.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, A.V. Krasilnikova, E. Masetti, A. Duparre, E. Quesnel, D. Ristau, “Investigation of the surface micro-roughness of fluoride films by spectroscopic ellipsometry”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 397, pp. 229-237, 2001.
- A.V.Tikhonravov, M.K.Trubetskov, M.A. Kokarev, A.Thelen. Poles representations for the group delay and transmittance of WDM filters // Proceedings of OCTEC 2001 International Workshop, Erice (Sicily), Italy, рр. 36-40, 2001.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, M.A. Kokarev, T.V. Amotchkina, A. Duparre, E. Quesnel, D. Ristau, S. Gunster. «Effect of Systematic Errors in Spectral Photometric Data on the Accuracy of Determination of Optical Parameters of Dielectric Thin Films». Applied Optics, Volume 41, Issue 13, 2555-2560, May 2002.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov. «Automated Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Wavelength-Division Multiplexing Filters». Applied Optics-OT, Volume 41, Issue 16, 3176-3182, June 2002.
- A.V.Tikhonravov, M.K.Trubetskov, A.V.Amotchkina, M.A.Kokarev, “Key role of the coating total optical thikness in solving design problems”, in Advances in Optical Thin Films, Claude Amra, Norbert Kaiser, H.Agnus Macleod, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5250, pp. 312-321, 2003.
- A.V.Tikhonravov, M.K.Trubetskov, “Online characterization and reoptimization of optical coatings”, in Advances in Optical Thin Films, Claude Amra, Norbert Kaiser, H.Agnus Macleod, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5250, pp. 406-413, 2003.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, A.A. Tikhonravov, and A. Duparre. “Effects of Interface Roughness on the Spectral Properties of Thin Films and Multilayers”. Applied Optics, 42, pp. 5140-5148 (2003)
- A. Tikhonravov, M. Trubetskov, T. Amotchkina, Andrei Tikhonravov, D. Ristau and S. Gunster. “Reliable determination of wavelength dependence of thin film refractive index”. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5188, pp. 331-342 , 2003.
- A.Tikhonravov, M.Trubetskov, G.DeBell. “On the accuracy of optical thin film parameter determination based on spectrophotometric data”. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5188, pp. 190-199, 2003.
- A. Tikhonravov, M. Trubetskov, T. Amotchkina, Andrei А. Tikhonravov, «Application of advanced optimization concepts to the design of high quality optical coatings», Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4829, pp. 1061-1062, 2003.
- A.V. Tikhonravov. Design of Optical Coatings, in Optical Interference coatings, Eds. N/ Kaiser and H.K. Pulker, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 81-104, 2003.
- A.V.Tikhonravov, M.K.Trubetskov, M.A.Kokarev, A.A.Tikhonravov, A.Duparré, M.Flemming, E.Masetti, and A.V.Krasilnikova, «Comparative investigation of thin film surface roughness by atomic force microscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry», 3rd International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry? 6-11 July, 2003, Vena.
- A.V.Tikhonravov, M.K.Trubetskov, M.A.Kokarev, A.A.Tikhonravov, E.Masetti, and A.V.Krasilnikova, “Accurate determination of lanthanum fluoride refractive index by spectroscopic ellipsometry”, 3rd International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, 6-11 July, 2003, Vena
- R. Starke, D. Ristau, H. Welling, T.V. Amochkina, A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, A.A. Tikhonravov, and A.S. Chirkin. “Investigations of the nonlinear behaviour of dielectrics by using ultrashort pulses. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5273, pp. 501-514, 2003.
- A.A.Tikhonravov, A.V.Tikhonravov and M.K.Trubetskov, “Accurate formulas for estimating the effect of surface micro-roughness on ellipsometric angles of dielectric thin films” in Optical Interference Coatings on CD-ROM (The Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2004), WE4.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, Virtual deposition plant, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5870, pp. 108-120, 2005.
- A.V.Tikhonravov and M.K.Trubetskov. Computational manufacturing as a bridge between design and production. Appl. Opt., Vol. 44, pp. 6877-6884, 2005.
- A.V.Tikhonravov, M.K.Trubetskov, T.V. Amochkina, M.A. Kokarev, N. Kaiser, O. Stenzel, S. Wilbrandt, and D. Gabler. “New optimization algorithm for the synthesis of rugate optical coatings”. SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 5963, pp. , 2005.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K.Trubetskov, and T.V.Amotchkina, Statistical approach to choosing a strategy of monochromatic monitoring of optical coating production, Applied Optics, 2006, vol. 45, pp. 7863-7870.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, T.V. Amochkina, M.A. Kokarev, N. Kaiser, O. Stenzel, S. Wilbrandt, D. Gabler. New optimization algorithm for the synthesis of rugate optical coatings, Applied Optics, Vol. 45, pp. 1515-1524, 2006.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M.K. Trubetskov, T.V. Amochkina Investigation of the effect of accumulation of thikhness errors in optical coating production using broadband optical monitoring. Applied Optics, 45, pp. 7026-7034, 2006.
- A. V. Tikhonravov, M. K. Trubetskov, and T. V. Amotchkina, “Computational experiments on optical coating production using monochromatic monitoring strategy aimed at eliminating a cumulative effect of thickness errors,” Appl. Opt. 46, 6936-6944, 2007.
- A.V. Tikhonravov, M. K. Trubetskov, and G. W. DeBell, “Optical coating design approaches based on the needle optimization technique,” Appl. Opt. 46, 704-710, 2007.
- A. V. Tikhonravov and M. K. Trubetskov, “Elimination of cumulative effect of thickness errors in monochromatic monitoring of optical coating production: theory,” Appl. Opt. 46, 2084-2090, 2007.
- A. V. Tikhonravov, M. K. Trubetskov, T. V. Amotchkina, J. A. Dobrowolski. Estimation of the average residual reflectance of broadband antireflection coatings. – Appl. Opt., Vol. 47, pp. C124-C130, 2008.
- A. Tikhonravov, M. Trubetskov, I. Kasahara. Achievements and challenges in the design and production of high quality optical coatings. – IEICE Trans. Electron. Vol. E91-C, No 10, October 2008, no. 10, pp. 1622-1629.
- A. V. Tikhonravov, M. K. Trubetskov, T. V. Amotchkina. Application of constrained optimization to the design of quasi-rugate optical coatings. – Appl. Optics, Vol. 47, No 29, 2008, pp. 5103-5109.
- A. V. Tikhonravov, “Modern Design Approaches and a New Paradigm of Constructing a Coating Design,” in Optical Interference Coatings, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper TuA1.
https://doi.org/10.1364/OIC.2010.TuA1 - Alexander V. Tikhonravov, Michael K. Trubetskov, and Vladimir Pervak. Estimations of production yields for choosing the best practical design. In: Optical Interference Coatings, Optical Society of America, 2010, p. TuA6.
https://doi.org/10.1364/OIC.2010.TuA6 - Alexander V. Tikhonravov, Michael K. Trubetskov, and Tatiana V. Amotchkina. Investigation of the error self-compensation effect associated with broadband optical monitoring. Appl. Opt., 2011, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. C111-C116.
https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.50.00C111 - Alexander V. Tikhonravov, Michael K. Trubetskov, Tatiana V. Amotchkina, Gary DeBell, Vladimir Pervak, Anna Krasilnikova Sytchkova, Maria Luisa Grilli, and Detlev Ristau. Optical parameters of oxide films typically used in optical coating production. Appl. Opt., 2011, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. C75-C85.
https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.50.000C75 - Alexander V. Tikhonravov, Michael K. Trubetskov, Tatiana V. Amotchkina, and Vladimir Pervak. Estimations of production yields for choosing of a practically optimal optical coating design. Appl. Opt., 2011, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. C141-C147.
https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.50.00C141 - Alexander V. Tikhonravov and Michael K. Trubetskov, “Modern design tools and a new paradigm in optical coating design,” Appl. Opt. 51, 7319-7332 (2012).
https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.51.007319 - A. Tikhonravov, T. Amotchkina, M. Trubetskov, R. Francis, V. Janicki, J. Sancho-Parramon, H. Zorc, and V. Pervak, Optical characterization and reverse engineering based on multiangle spectroscopy, Appl. Opt., Vol. 51, pp. 245-254 (2012).
https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.51.000245 - A. V. Tikhonravov, M. K. Trubetskov, I. Kozlov, S. Alekseev, P. Konotopov, and V. Zhupanov, “Correlated Choice of Design and Monitoring Strategy,” in Optical Interference Coatings, M. Tilsch and D. Ristau, eds., OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper WB.3.
https://doi.org/10.1364/OIC.2013.WB.3 - A. V. Tikhonravov and M. K. Trubetskov, “Design of Optical Coatings Taking into Account Thin Film Inhomogeneity,” in Optical Interference Coatings, M. Tilsch and D. Ristau, eds., OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper TD.6.
https://doi.org/10.1364/OIC.2013.TD.6 - A. V. Tikhonravov, M. K. Trubetskov, S. Sharapova, and Z. Wang, “Design of Aperiodic Multilayers for EUV Applications,” in Optical Interference Coatings, M. Tilsch and D. Ristau, eds., OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper TB.8.
https://doi.org/10.1364/OIC.2013.TB.8 - A. V. Tikhonravov, M. K. Trubetskov, S. Sharapova, and Z. Wang, “Design of Coatings in EUV, Soft X-ray and X-ray Spectral Regions,” in Optical Interference Coatings, M. Tilsch and D. Ristau, eds., OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper TB.6.
https://doi.org/10.1364/OIC.2013.TB.6 - Tikhonravov A., Trubetskov M., Amotchkina T. Optical thin films and coatings: From materials to applications. Edited by Angela Piegari, Francois Flory. Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials Cambridge, UK, 2013. — P. 864.
https://doi.org/10.1533/9780857097316.1.62 - A. V. Tikhonravov, V. G. Zhupanov, V. N. Fedoseev, and M. K. Trubetskov, “Design and production of antireflection coating for the 8–10 µm spectral region,” Opt. Express 22, 32174-32179 (2014).
https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.22.032174 - Alexander V. Tikhonravov. ” Design and pre-production analysis of optical coatings “, Proc. SPIE 9627, Optical Systems Design 2015: Advances in Optical Thin Films V, 962705 (September 23, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2191622.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2191622 - M. Trubetskov, T. Amotchkina, and A. Tikhonravov, “Automated construction of monochromatic monitoring strategies,” Appl. Opt. 54, 1900-1909 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.54.001900
- Jinlong Zhang, Chong Cao, Alexander V. Tikhonravov, Michael K. Trubetskov, Artur Gorokh, Xinbin Cheng, and Zhanshan Wang, “Advantages and challenges of optical coating production with indirect monochromatic monitoring,” Appl. Opt. 54, 3433-3439 (2015).
https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.54.003433 - A. V. Tikhonravov and A. Gorokh, “Modified sequential algorithm for the on-line characterization of optical coatings,” Opt. Express 23, 23561-23569 (2015).
https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.23.023561 - V. Zhupanov, I. Kozlov, V. Fedoseev, P. Konotopov, M. Trubetskov, and A. Tikhonravov, “Production of Brewster angle thin film polarizers using a ZrO2/SiO2 pair of materials,” Appl. Opt. 56, C30-C34 (2017).
https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.56.000C30 - A. V. Tikhonravov, I. V. Kochikov, and A. G. Yagola, “Error self-compensation mechanism in the optical coating production with direct broad band monitoring,” Opt. Express 25, 27225-27233 (2017).
https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.25.027225 - Alexander V. Tikhonravov, Michael K. Trubetskov, Tatiana V. Amotchkina Optical Thin Films and Coatings, 2nd edition (2018), Chapter 3, “Optical monitoring strategies for optical coating manufacturing”, pp.65-101.
https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102073-9.00003-5 - Valery Zhupanov, Viktor Fedoseev, Pavel Novikov, Dmitry Pavlyshin, Ivan Kozlov, Alexander Tikhonravov, “Broad band optical monitoring of large area coatings produced using planetary rotation,” Proc. SPIE 10691, Advances in Optical Thin Films VI, 106910F (5 June 2018).
https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2311445 - A. V. Tikhonravov, I. V. Kochikov, A. G. Yagola. Investigation of the error self-compensation effect associated with direct broad band monitoring of coating production. Optics Express, 26 (19), pp.24964-24972, 2018.https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.024964
- Tikhonravov, A.; Kochikov, I.; Isaev, T.; Lukyanenko, D.; Yagola, A. Online Characterization Algorithms for Optical Coating Production with Broadband Monitoring. Coatings 2018, 8, 323.
https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings8090323 - A. Tikhonravov, I. Kochikov, I. Matvienko, T. Isaev, and A. Yagola. Strategies of broadband monitoring aimed at minimizing deposition errors. COATINGS, 9(12 (809)):1–10, 2019.
http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/coatings9120809 - A. V. Tikhonravov, A. A. Lagutina, Iu. S. Lagutin, D. V. Lukyanenko, I. V. Kochikov, and A. G. Yagola, “Self-compensation of errors in optical coating production with monochromatic monitoring,” Opt. Express 29, 44275-44282 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.447211
- A. Tikhonravov, I. Kochikov, S. Sharapova, and A. Yagola. Optical monitoring of coating production: correlation of errors and errors self-compensation. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11872 (Advances in Optical Thin Films VII,118720Q (12 September 2021)):1–7, 2021.
https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2597765 - Grigoriev, F.V.; Sulimov, V.B.; Tikhonravov, A.V. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Laser Induced Heating of Silicon Dioxide Thin Films. Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 2986.
https://doi.org/10.3390/nano11112986 - V. B. Sulimov, D. C. Kutov, A. V. Sulimov, F. V. Grigoriev, and A. V. Tikhonravov. Density functional modeling of structural and electronic properties of amorphous high temperature oxides. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 578:121170, 2022.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2021.121170 - A. Tikhonravov, Iu. Lagutin, and A. Yagola, “Turning point monitoring of narrow bandpass filters: the enormous strength of the error self-compensation effect,” Appl. Opt. 61, 8281-8285 (2022).
https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.465188 - Hongfei Jiao, Xinbin Cheng, Zhanshan Wang, Igor Kochikov, Alexander Sharov, and Alexander Tikhonravov, “Production of ultra-steep dichroic filters with broad band optical monitoring,” Opt. Express 30, 22501-22511 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.460811