Range Targets

optical coating design OptiLayer allows you to specify targets for cases when your spectral characteristic \(S(\lambda)\) should satisfy the following conditions:

\[ S(\lambda_j)\ge a_j,  \]

\[ S(\lambda_j)\le b_j, \]

\[ a_j\le S(\lambda_j)\le b_j \]

Example (left panel). Beamplitter design satisfies range target conditions:

\[ 49\%\le R(\lambda_j)\le 51\%, \lambda_j=620+(j-1) \]



Design targets (and therefore a merit function) can be modified using qualifiers A, B or R.

A corresponds to the Bypass Above option. It means that OptiLayer bypasses the target when the corresponding characteristic is greater than a target value.

B corresponds to the Bypass Below option. It means that OptiLayer bypasses the target when the corresponding characteristic is less than a target value.

R corresponds to the Range option. It means that OptiLayer bypasses the target when the corresponding characteristic belongs to a given segment (see right panel).

An empty qualifier (blank) corresponds to a conventional target.

design target

Look our video examples

Look our video examples at YouTube

OptiLayer videos are available here:
Overview of Design/Analysis options of OptiLayer and overview of Characterization/Reverse Engineering options.

The videos were presented at the joint Agilent/OptiLayer webinar.