Our Distributors sell OptiLayer software and organize OptiLayer workshops

In North America and Australia

“JK Consulting”

Dr. Jennifer Kruschwitz
175 Dartmouth Street, Rochester, NY 14607
Phone: 585-370-6539
e-mail: jkconsult@kruschwitz.com
In Japan

Contact directly OptiLayer GmbH:

Bischof-Bolte Str.32, D-63457, Hanau, Germany
e-mail: support@optilayer.org

phone: +971509876094

In Europe

Contact directly OptiLayer GmbH:

Bischof-Bolte Str.32, D-63457, Hanau, Germany
e-mail: support@optilayer.org

phone: +971509876094

In Israel

“DeBell Design”

Dr. Gary DeBell
619 Teresi Lane, Los Altos, CA 94024
fax/phone: (650)-948-9480

or contact directly to OptiLayer GmbH
e-mail: support@optilayer.org

In China

“Beijing Xinjiaguang Technology Corp”

Olivia Chen
Beijing Xinjiaguang Technology Corp
Add: R3155, 8# Building Weibohao Garden,
No. 1 Weigongcun Street,
Beijing 100081

phone: +86 10 53391927
e-mail: sales@lightedgetek.com

In India



Mr. Pravin Joshi
428, Prestige Industrial Estate, Bawadi Lane, Orlem, Marve Road, Malad (W), MUMBAI 400 064 India

phone: +91 22 28802653, fax: +91 22 28803653
e-mail: info@foservice.com

For those outside of the above distributorship areas, please contact directly OptiLayer GmbH


Look our video examples

Look our video examples at YouTube

OptiLayer videos are available here:
Overview of Design/Analysis options of OptiLayer and overview of Characterization/Reverse Engineering options.

The videos were presented at the joint Agilent/OptiLayer webinar.